Residents Helping Out

Resident Roles Initiative

Meet our growing team of Residents who are enjoying having part-time roles around the home. Many of our residents want to feel they are still useful and there are a variety of areas where they like to help and feel part of the daily routines within the home, this provides a little meaning & structure to their day, and they make lots of new friends along the way. 

We pride ourselves on the tight-knit care community we adopt here at Manor Grange. Residents have the opportunity to interact with one another on a regular basis which enables strong friendships to form, no matter the type of care they are receiving.

Roles can include tasks such as answering phones, serving teas & coffees at the bar, delivering newspapers, refreshments/activity trolley service, interviews, and welcoming new residents.

Linda's Jolly Trolley is becoming an increasingly popular role within the home. Residents are keen to get involved and become Jolly Trolley assistants and are loving the social interactions that the trolley provides.

Eleanor is delighted to find herself a new role delivering the morning papers which brings back many happy memories of when she volunteered at Corstorphine Hospital

This is an initiative we are keen to develop and expand in time as it has proven to be such a success so far.

To find out more about what our residents get up to at Manor Grange, or for more information on our care services, contact our friendly team today who will be delighted to assist you and answer your questions.

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